The Legion Planning Diagnostic is a free, five question health check that can help assess your current business plans and give you some tips to take your business beyond that next mountain When did you last review your strategy and plan? Strategy? Plan ? What are they? In the last 12 months It's been a long time - more than a year We review and plan at least twice a year None How many goals do you usually identify for your plan? Goals? We focus on delivering our business as usual functions We usually end up with more goals and actions than we can possibly deliver in the timeframe we set We set a few key goals but never seem to actually deliver them. Things always get in the way We set a few key goals and usually do pretty well at delivering them None What period of time do you consider in your planning? A quarter or less Less than 12 months usually 12 -24 months At least 2 years None What do your strategy and planning workshops usually look like? (you can choose as many as apply) Extremely well planned We have a loose agenda Planning is minimal - 'it'll be alright on the night' We usually end up with what we need We finish the workshop with a comprehensive plan Our discussion seems to focus on problems rather than solutions or a way forward We mostly talk in circles until we run out of time We usually end up with multiple 'lists' of things to do Do you consider alternate scenarios or contingency planning? Why would we need to do that? We consider a contingency plan for important things We map out key alternate situations and plan around that For every goal we have multiple alternate situations and have a detailed contingency plan None Time's up start your campaign Lets talk