by Samantha Rush | Aug 31, 2020 | Connections and metaphors, Efficiency, Performance, Planning
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, designed back in the 1940s proposes a prioritisation of the things that we humans need. The basic requirements we need to live are those that satisfy our physiological needs; food, water, warmth and rest. Without these things, we...
by Samantha Rush | Jan 5, 2020 | Connections and metaphors, Efficiency
In December last year I was lucky to visit Pompei and take a tour of the ruins, which have left us with an excellent record of the lives of the town’s residents up to the time of AD79, when Mt Vesuvius erupted. During the tour it became clear that those that were...
by Samantha Rush | Oct 7, 2019 | Connections and metaphors, Performance
Legionaries followed a strict daily routine set by their commander to maintain order in the Castra (camp), keep the army battle ready, and enforce discipline. There were three key elements to the daily routine; hygiene activities, exercise, and training. This routine...
by Samantha Rush | Sep 4, 2019 | Balance, Connections and metaphors
Last year I was in New York City and had the good fortune to join a ‘vertical’ tour of the Cathedral of St John the Divine. During the tour, the guide talked about the importance of balance and equilibrium architecturally and theologically, which really...
by lisag | Aug 4, 2019 | Action, Connections and metaphors, Planning
I’m a history buff. I love metaphors and making connections. So it’s only natural that when establishing a consultancy, I drew upon these three passions for inspiration, and as it turns out, a company name. There are three key things that made the Roman Legionary...
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